Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dr. Rick Marshall

Hola Amigos! Vida en Esteli es buenisma y estoy teniendo un gran tiempo.

I miss all of you so much and hope that you are doing well!

My typical day ---- (answering some of his parent's questions)

wake up at 630. work out for about 30 - 45 minutes push ups, sits ups,etc
shower. eat cereal and bread as i personally study for an 1-2 hours. companionship study for an hour or 2. language study for an hour.  lunch at our mama citas house at 12. begin teaching investigators, less actives, and recent converts at 1. tract throughout the day return to the house at 930. eat dinner.
go to bed. repeat.

On Sundays we have to wake up at 5 in the morning. mission wide rule. we have to leave the house by 7 to go rally all of the troops for church. members, investigators, animals, anyone we can find.

we tract all day between lessons. and we teach a ton. every day all day. people here are either working or doing absolutely nothing. People will just let you in their house and teach them and also will often give us food and some sort of beverage. sometimes coke and sometimes some mystery drink.

language is getting a lot better. I can say and understand A LOT. the hardest part is understanding when two natives are talking super fast, which is always.

we are teaching this really really poor family right now that will probably be baptized the same day Bryce will. They have two little girls one Kate's age and two twin boys who are a couple of months old. very sad how poor they are.

DR RICK MARSHALL - The official letter:

It rained so hard that all of the streets flooded. I may have soaked my rash in the street/pool a little bit. (video below may only be viewable from a computer)

I also introduced my companion to french toast. He said that he liked it but i think he lied. We are currently trying to get rid of his baby (his fat stomach) and i made him get up and run with me this morning. I learned some new words that i don't think I'm supposed to know as i got him out of bed and pushed his fat butt through the door haha!

Purchased some Nicaraguan soccer jerseys and switchblades. Both of which were dirt cheap. Basically Collin's paradise.

One of my favorite Will Ferrel movies is Land of the Lost.  Dr. Rick Marshall, Will Ferrel, travels to another dimension, fights dinosaurs and goblins, and falls in love. One of my favorite quotes from the movie comes when Dr. Rick is attempting to aid someone who had sprained their ankle. He prefaces his diagnosis and treatment with "Though I am a doctor, I am not a licensed physician." Oddly enough, It came to my mind while is was reading in the bible this week.

In Luke, as well as in the other testaments, Christ often is compared to a physician.

30 But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?
31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.
32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Christ came to earth to help people. As a missionary and representative of Christ, i have learned of the joy that comes as i serve other people. As one who aspires to study medicine when i return, this scripture really hit home. It has only further burned a desire into me that i want to help people throughout my life. As sons and daughters of a living God, it is our responsibility to help and serve others as Christ did.

Let us remember the profound words of Doctor Rick Marshal that we do not have to be licensed physicians to serve and love those around us. You don't have to be a doctor to save someones life. Look for opportunities to serve those that need some love. You will be happier and live better.

Love all you guys. Take it SLEEZY.

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