i had the wonderful opportunity of watching and playing with some of the members this week. was it really basketball? i dont know. Did i laugh the whole time? almost. When we picked teams for bball, was the white boy picked first? yes. When we picked teams for futbol afterwards, was the white boy picked first? no haha. Soccer is becoming more enjoyable as i realize that it will be the only sport that i have for two years.
Happy Birthday bryce!!!!! the big ocho. Tell bishop to lighten up in those interviews and if you get stuck on a question just tell him that duke basketball is gods team, thats why jabari went there haha.

this week has been one of firsts. got my first nicaraguan haircut today which was the best i have ever had. They use a real razor for your head and face. it was awesome. I cut down an entire tree by myself. And with a machete. Are you proud of me dad? i went to my first birthday party for a guy who was turning 48. you would have thought it was for a 6 year old girl with all the balloons, hello kitty table cloth, and pink and white cake haha. Also i had my first nacatamale. It is basically a spicy hot pocket that is supposed to give you diahrrea. My bowels deflected the fiery darts of that mystery hot pocket.
LIfe in nica has been good this week. i am having a great time. wow what a statement. The change that has taken place in me has been one of perspective. A perspective that causes me to be increasingly grateful for all that i have in life. For all of my loving friends and family and for the very comfortable life that i have lived. This greater perspective has humbled me and brought me low, as the dirt in which i know live.
I havent changed too much tho, dont worry. I still love poop jokes. no suprise there. i still think about the sleezy dodgeball championship as being one of the best days of my life. And i still think about how the first thing im gonna do in 21 and a half months is kiss my mother and get an in n out hamburger. I am still dylbag and always will be.

But guess what? i love the dirt now. I love the sweat, and the exhaustion, and the frustration and the work. Most of all, i love the people. and i love helping them become better and happier. As i have grown to love them, i have developed a greater love and appreciation for those i left back home.
Love you all. Take it sleezy for me this week.
Love you all. Take it sleezy for me this week.
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